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Ultra wide band antenna design

时间:04-05 整理:3721RD 点击:

how can i design an ultra wide band antenna to cove the frequencies from 3.1 to 11 GHz. the design should be done using CST microwave studio. and what type of antenna can i use ?


Now I dont know anything about using CST Microwave studio. But as a starting
point for you, I do use really nice log-periodic yagi's that cover 2 - 11 GHz
built on standard fibreglass PCB and fed with .085" semi-rigid coax.
works well in front of a dish as a multi-band feed systen


anothert thought for wideband antenna type which I have also used
is the Vivaldi. Their design also provides exceptional bandwidth

now you just need some one to show you how to use the software :)


Try PICA antenna - Planar Inverted Cone Antenna. It's easy to generate in CST MWS and you can easilly match it to 50ohms.
Or you can use some improved bow tie antennas too - see: Qu, ShiWei; Rhua, Cheng-Li - Planar bow-tie antenna embedded in circular aperture within conductive frame.
However, everything depends on desired parameters and what you exactly want! What about radiation characteristics?
Your question is too wide.

If you want a high directivity you can use a horn antenna.

...or vivaldi antenna (and log-peg is directional too) ...as mentioned before (it depends on what you really want )

If you want "dipole-like" characteristics, use PICA for example.

Hi everybody.
Please, I work on my thesis and I need the help. I need to design two arm spiral antenna for frequency range 100MHz - cca 10GHz. I have to make it CST Microwave Studio. But I have never work in this software. Please help me. Could somebody make this design for my antenna and send it to me?
I realy thank you. Have a nice day

Hi magret;

There are many pulished UWB antenna using CST. Depending on your aplication there are two class:
Directional UWB antenna - log periodic, horn, vivaldi etc..
onmiderictional - biconical, bow- tie, printed dipole and monopole etc.

I have few paper and these on small printed UWB antenna mostly done on CST if you want i could forward it.

hi angolaX
I am also looking some ultrawideband antenna design papers which used cst .
Can you forward it to me.
my id:

thank you

which kind of uwb antenna u need?

you can use Monocone anttena


You can use log-periodic dipole array antenna but of course if you need directivity.... And at those freqs you can design it on PCB.

hi magret, other than the frequency bandwidth required, are there any requirement on size? weight? Omni or Uni direction radiation? application? To consider which type of UWB antenna to use, the above few requirements are also important.

Hi Magret,

The Frequency range you have specified covers the UWB range.So i am assuming you have to design an antenna for some UWB application.
The type of antenna you can use or build depends on lots of different factors like Limitation on physical size of antenna(You want physically compact(small) antenna or not), For what kind of application you are building your antenna(You want directive or omnidirectional performance from your antenna).

In Omnidirectional case: Circular patch antennas,Bow-tie antennas etc
In uniDirectional case: Horn antenna(Physically not compact),Vivaldi(tapered slot or antipodal)antenna(Physically compact),Log-periodic antenna etc

So select the antenna according to your requirements and then read articles and papers about that antenna to learn how they work(you can find alot of papers and articles on all antennas mentioned above).If you are new to CST,first try to model and simulate simple antennas like dipole etc to get used to software environment before modelling and simulating your own antenna.

I have modelled antipodal Vivaldi antenna for 3.3-15GHZ for an UWB radar detection application.If you decided to model this antenna i can help you further with documents related to it.

I hope it helps!

Ultra wide band vivaldi exponential tapered antenna design.



Hi remyaratheesan07
I have some paper and these on vilvadi antenna if you want i could email it to you.


hi friends,
how can i design an ultra wide band antenna to cove the frequencies from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. the design should be done using CST microwave studio. and what type of antenna can i use ?any papers related this topic,please send to my g-mail id,thank u ,that will usefull for my ph.d work,please treat this is urgent.


which kind of uwb antenna u want?

can one pls upload uwb antennas (circular,rec. hexagonal etc.) with cnstant gain of 5 db or above.really need ths

the attach file contain a circular UWB antenna

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