Using "HBLIN" command in HSPICERF
Hi, I want to extract the S-parameters of a mixer using HSPICERF. I considered using the HBLIN command (haramonic balance method for S-parameter extractions). According to the HSPICE User Guide RF Analysis 2010, I have defined a Port element with the HBLIN portion of it which is as below:
p2 IFout 0 port=1 HBLIN=(1,1)
I also have declared a .HB and a .HBLIN analysis to be conducted by adding the syntax-es below to my .sp file:
.HB tones=1G nharms=1
.HBLIN lin 5 0 100meg noisecalc=no filename=ex1
+ dataformat=ma
But after simulating this .sp file with HSPICERF, it gives me an error on the port "p2" definition which is:
Error: Invalid HBLIN index length in P element
Can anybody give me any guidance on how to overcome this error? I tried a lot and searched the internet thoroughly but I'd didn't come up with any answers!
p2 IFout 0 port=1 HBLIN=(1,1)
I also have declared a .HB and a .HBLIN analysis to be conducted by adding the syntax-es below to my .sp file:
.HB tones=1G nharms=1
.HBLIN lin 5 0 100meg noisecalc=no filename=ex1
+ dataformat=ma
But after simulating this .sp file with HSPICERF, it gives me an error on the port "p2" definition which is:
Error: Invalid HBLIN index length in P element
Can anybody give me any guidance on how to overcome this error? I tried a lot and searched the internet thoroughly but I'd didn't come up with any answers!