VNA/ADS S2P files Combining-Compatibility
I got a circuit measured for S parameters on Vector Network analyzer.
I got 4 different s2p files for S11, S12, S22, S21.
is there any possibility that I can combine all the 4 s2p files into a single s2p file for importing on ADS (2 port model) so that I can have all the 4 parameters by importing single file.
Also are the VNA s2p files are compatible with ADS. as when I import different parameter s2p file (separately S11 or S12) on ADS I got different results than I got on VNA.
Please support if any one can guide in this regard,
Thanks in advance.
the easiest way is to just have the VNA make a 2 port s parameter file to begin with! You have to go way out of your way to have it make a file with only one sparameter in it, like S21
But you can just combine the files in a program like excel. The first column is frequency, then S11 mag, then S11 angle, then same with s21, s12, s22.
The first like of the file would be: # MHz S MA R 50
ADS2013.06 has a Network Parameters Combiner tool.
A .s2p file should have 9 columns, the first being frequency, and the other 4 pairs being the S-parameters, in the order S11, S21, S12 and S22. See the definition of the Touchstone files at:
(The former seems better supported, despite it being an older draft).
Ignoring the comments, which start which start with an exclamation mark (!), and the line which starts with a hash (#), you could combine them in something like Excel. There are no doubt other solutions. I would personally do it using an awk shell script on a unix system, but no doubt others will have their favorite way.
But the obvious thing is to save all 4 S parameters in the one file to start with. Any reasonably modern VNA should support that.