how we can calcvutate the reflection coefficient with data with imaginary and real
hi all
how we can calculate the reflection coefficient with data with imaginary and real from VNA
regards kartik
how we can calculate the reflection coefficient with data with imaginary and real from VNA
regards kartik
you use |p| = (((real part)^2) + ((imaginary part)^2))^0.5
to get angle = arctan (imaginary part/real part)
ie rectangular to polar coordinate transformation
alternatively, push the right buttons on the ana to see it calculated for you
Real or imaginary part of what? Impedance?
reflection calcvutate imaginary 相关文章:
- Reflections when conjugately matched
- Measured and simulated reflection coefficient s11 comparison
- Ringing in reflection coefficient graph
- In which direction we need to go and read the reflection coefficient angles.
- Reflection Coefficient for unmatched condition
- Reflection Coefficient when conjugate matching