In which direction we need to go and read the reflection coefficient angles.
I need to find reflection coefficient angle = 300 degree using Smith chart. In which direction I need to go and find the angle 300 degree. There in Smith chart, they specified 0 to ± 180 degree, how to find 300 degree reflection coefficient angle using smith chart, please guide me. Herewith I attached Smith Chart angle diagram.
Is your situation “toward generator” ?
Problem is as follows
A 70 Ohm lossless line has s = 1.6 and reflection coefficient angle =300 degree. If the line is 0.6 lamda long, obtain (i) Reflection coefficient , Load impedance, and input impedance.
Answer is as follows, In the following image, he has taken 300 degree at "OQ" (marked it as 300 degree). How he took 300 degree, I am not understanding. Please tell how to take angles in Smith chart and how he marked 300 degree, it is correct only. Explain in elaborately.
It is too easy.
Can you understand basic complex algebra and transmission line theory ?
% % In-which-direction-we-need-to-go-and-read-the-reflection-coefficient-angles. close all, clear all, clc set(0, 'language', 'english') colordef white; % Specify the plot background to be white set(gcf, 'numbertitle', 'off') set(gcf, 'MenuBar', 'none') Rc = 70; %S0 = 0.228 * exp(j*pi*300/180) S0 = 0.228 * exp(j*pi*(-60)/180) % Point P z0 = (1+S0) / (1-S0) Z0 = Rc * z0 %beta = 2*pi/lambda %L = 0.6*lambda %S1 = S0 * exp(-j*2*beta*L) %S1 = S0 * exp(-j*pi*432/180) %S1 = 0.228 * exp(j*pi*(-492)/180) S1 = 0.228 * exp(j*pi*(-132)/180) % Point R z1 = (1+S1) / (1-S1) Z1 = Rc * z1 S0_hid = smithchart(S0); hold on S1_hid = smithchart(S1); legend('P', 'Q') set(S0_hid, 'Marker', 'o') set(S0_hid, 'MarkerSize', 6) set(S0_hid, 'LineStyle', 'none') set(S0_hid, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r') set(S0_hid, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'r') set(S1_hid, 'Marker', 'o') set(S1_hid, 'MarkerSize', 6) set(S1_hid, 'LineStyle', 'none') set(S1_hid, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'b') set(S1_hid, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'b') colordef black; % Specify the plot background to be black
S0 = 0.1140 - 0.1975i z0 = 1.1505 - 0.4793i Z0 = 80.5369 -33.5486i S1 = -0.1526 - 0.1694i z1 = 0.6986 - 0.2497i Z1 = 48.8989 -17.4792i