mutual coupling sidelobes cross-polarization in microstrip phased arrays
Can someone explain the relationship between mutual coupling, sidelobes, and cross-polarization in the context of microstrip phased arrays?
Does S12 mutual coupling include only the co-polarization without accounting for cross-polarization coupling?
Does mutual coupling and/or cross-polarization coupling increase the sidelobes when scanning the array?
If I use techniques like dummy patches terminated with matched loads to lower the mutual coupling between array elements, will it lower the cross-polarization, as well?
What is the relationship between mutual coupling and cross-polarization?
What are the techniques to lower mutual coupling between array elements?
What are the techniques to lower cross-polarization in an array?
Does S12 mutual coupling include only the co-polarization without accounting for cross-polarization coupling?
Does mutual coupling and/or cross-polarization coupling increase the sidelobes when scanning the array?
If I use techniques like dummy patches terminated with matched loads to lower the mutual coupling between array elements, will it lower the cross-polarization, as well?
What is the relationship between mutual coupling and cross-polarization?
What are the techniques to lower mutual coupling between array elements?
What are the techniques to lower cross-polarization in an array?
sidelobes coupling mutual 相关文章:
- problem: coupling coefficient for two hairpin resonators
- Loose Coupling for a coaxial resonator
- Methods of decreasing the coupling between two closely placed antennas
- Re: Polynomial synthesis in coupling matrix technique
- Capacitive coupling between coaxial and coplanar circular coils
- Increasing stages coupling without increasing capacitance in TRX