Advanced Design System 2009(ADS2009) installation Error
Today I have installed my system to Advanced Design System 2009(ADS2009), My system specifications are as follows
- Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate
- Installed Memory(RAM): 3GB
- System Type:32bit operating system
- Processor:Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU@2.30GHz
Once it is installed, when I started to open the ADS2009 icon, it is showing the following error
After What ever instruction it has given to follow, I followed it. But it is not allowed create default folder in the C:\User folder.
How to overcome this difficulty
Install with administrator permissions.
I am a single user to my laptop system, it is there in the administrator mode only. Even though it is there in the administrator mode also, it is showing the same error whatever it is showing in the posting #1.
You do NOT need to create it. C:\users\default already exists as a Windows folder. It is hidden by default, and only Administrators have write permission.
You need to change the security settings of that folder, so that you have write permissions. This is done in the folder properties.
As you told I visited your said website,but it is showing the following message
The you were trying to reach,could not be found.I have attached that message below
What I have to do next,please help me
Use another directory rather than "Users"...
Assgin a new name for instance "ads_users"..
BigBoss Sir,
As you told, I assigned new name for instance "ADS_USER" and installed. It is installed nicely and working nicely. Thanks for help and cooperation.
You need to sign in with your Agilent license/support data.