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Looking for info about Meurorf company

时间:04-05 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does anybody know Meurorf microwave company? Have you ever ordered any product from the company?
I would like to hear your comments. Actually, I'm looking for trustable and non-expensive microwave component manufacturers possibly located in the Far East.
I suppose that some trustable-remarkable microwave companies have emerged in the Far East. However, I'm not aware of them yet. Could you let me know if you know such a company?
I'm mostly interested in connectorized modules such as LNAs, DROs, downconverters, mixers, power dividers, directional couplers, frequency synthesizers, switches, limiters etc. Frequency range is L, S, C and X bands.
Thank you.

Far-east companies are not strong enough and precise in Microwave area if you intend to search accuracy and reliability..

OK. We may not consider critical products requiring accuracy, experience etc. For example I need a simple connectorized 2-way wilkinson power divider. In this case, I would prefer to buy the divider from a modest far-east company because US and European companies are willing to quote high prices. For example ainfoinc is a far-east company and their coax-wg adapter, waveguides, power dividers work fine for me. I just want to be aware of such alternative companies that you had business with before. Meurorf is still under the scope.

In the past I have used some non critical parts from far east vendors, like upto 6 GHz. they did the trick. but as BigBoss mentioned at higher frequencies they are not as good compared to US/EU products. Far east vendors may have performance issues at microwave for now, but they are also improving.
It is not correct all the time though. For instance sumitomo has pretty good amps, and you do not need to deal with export licences if you work for a Japanese company.

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