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simulation error help

时间:04-05 整理:3721RD 点击:
i am getting this error on simulation= unable to access library: nxp_rf_smallsignal
help me out ...how to solve it

I guess your simulator is ufgzuwgfzuwgeq and the library is suhweufuweihf ?

actually i am using ADS 2009 and i got NXP library from internet from NXP site ......so sir how i can solve this error.guide me sir

I use newer ADS versions now, and don't have the old ADS2009 available, so I can't check this for you.

Did you download the correct designkit version (for ADS2009, not 2011/2012)?

Did you install the designkit as described in the ADS online help?

sir i have downloaded the NXP library for ADS version 2009 from the link you message me ........but i am getting the same error....suggest me something me sir

Check if your design kit installation path has a space (" ") in the path. That will cause this error message.
If yes, uninstall the designkit and re-install into a path with no space in the name.

sir this path i am giving in design kit =C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/extract/nxp_rf_smallSignal9/
sir one more error i am getting is =(de_load_item_symbol_image)cannot load component symbol............................is this is the reason of my error.

Yes. There are spaces in your file path, and this is known to cause this problem.
Solution: uninstall designkit and install to a new path that has no spaces in the file path.

still getting the same problem sir

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