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Frequency mixer output

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everybody,
Im trying to test this frequency mixer (ADE-2ASK), and I have a couple of questions (My major isnt electrical engineering, so you may find them funny). I tried to test it using a signal generator. I feed the LO and RF inputs with 1mhz and 2mhz signals and I expected to see a signal consisting both 1 mhz and 3 mhz on the oscilloscope (f1-f2,f1+f2). But I can only observe the 1mhz signal.
Does anybody know what the problem might be or what I am possibilly doing wrong here?
I really appreciate your help.

Did you apply the specified RF and LO power levels? Usually LO is +10 dBm approx while RF is much lower. Usig an oscilloscope is not a good method to test a mixer. Try a spectrum analyzer.

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