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Simulating DRO design

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
This is new area for me.
I am looking to design a DRO at 4GHz .

How a dielectric resonator's resonant frequency can be simulated?

Whether it can be done in ADS or HFSS simulation is required
for the purpose?

If somebody can send some literature about DRO design,easy to follow,will be very helpful.
Can somebody send expected simulation results from a DR simulation?

thanks in advance

I'm interested in DRO design/simulation but I have not give considerable effort yet. You can find informative threads relating to DRO design in the forum.
As far as I know, feedback type DRO is most common(there is an alternative topology called negative resistance). In the feedback path you design a dielectric coupled structure, two traces and a dielectric puck in between them. You can use an appropriate transistor for the active block. Oscillators' feedback path is expected to select(as sharp as possible) a frequency at a reasonable insertion loss that can be compansated in the active part. The amount of phase shift in the loop(feedback+active part) should be 360 degree(Barkhausen oscillation criteria).
I think that a complete simulation of a DRO can be achieved by co-operation of EM simulators such as HFSS, CST and microwave circuit simulators like ADS, AWR Microwave Office.

Dielectric resonator bandwidth is pretty narrow. From this forum and some little experience i learned that the best way of designing DRO is to
1) design stable amplifier for frequency F. There must be input and output microstrip lines.
2) couple dielectric resonator to input and output lines (put between lines, just google for any parallel feedback DRO pictures or photos)

Many old papers just use RLC resonator to simulate DR. There are formulas for computing R,L,C for DR parameters. Also this method gives correct phase shift through resonator.

I think you can simulate DRO in some 3D EM simulator. But it is not obvious to me how correctly set all dielectric parameters and shapes to get realistic result. It seems not very easy without experience.

At 4GHz, which is less than 5GHz (mass production wifi and cellular technology) , measuring equipment is relatively cheap. Vector network analyzer can help understand and learn many things.

Thanks for your views on DRO design guys!

I would be thankful, if someone can post a really easy to understand
paper on DRO deign and simulation here.

In AWR, there is an example of DRO simulation.
I copied its simulation about 8 years ago, and modified it to a 10GHz DRO.
Finally the live DRO worked well, and 1st trial is OK.
AWR uses RLC to simulate it and maybe you need some little sw to calculate many parameters.
Good luck.

Thanks tony for your suggestion.
I will look into the AWR example on DRO.

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