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what is this personality and equivalent 362?

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
what is this personality and equivalent 362 ?
hb100 rosh

362 (36...) is ATF-36163
datasheet: http://www.hp.woodshot.com/hprfhelp/...s/atf36163.pdf

2R1 is diode is HSMS-8202 (3 pin, two schottky diodes in series)

Look at this thread: https://www.edaboard.com/thread331140.html
many transistors can be used for replacement here, maybe require a little stub tuning for more power.

by applying a few pieces of dielectric resonator
frequency is increased 12700GHZ
I want position and movement without sacrificing dielectric resonator have lower frequency ?
which line micro stripline important role in reducing the
frequency and causes extensive changes with frequency?
what element or method neutrallzes the role of dielectric resonator trick in the circuit is to reduce the
frequency ?
wire thin lacquered wire and connected to a dc source can be controlled with the cooperation of the dielectric resonator used as a control variable dielectric resonator?

What do you want to achieve? Are you trying to make VCO with dielectric resonator, or just alter frequency?

Making VCO with dielectric resonator is possible. You can achieve for < 2...3MHz tuning range pretty easy For example, 10.500 GHz to 10.503 GHz just by tuning voltage or gate bias. For wider range i have seen gate bias tuning (around 50MHz tuning). For wide band tuning (500MHz) dielectric resonator must be replaced with microstrip resonator and varactor diodes (google for s53mv microstrip vco).

There are many papers in photos in internet. Just google for DRO, dielectric resonator oscillator, microstrip resonator oscillator, FET oscillator dielectric resonator, FET microstrip resonator oscillator, etc.

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