how to do small signal model for pHEMT
In ADS, how to do the small signal model for pHEMT. Can Anybody help me to find that in step by step process..!
Note: I added PDK in my ADS, so i have device and its functions well. I did the IV characteristics, but i don't know how to find small signal model parameters.
pHEMPT is described by S parameters for specific frequency band. To convert S parameters to spice model you can use EMwonder software. But I think ADS may have subcircuit that accept S parameters for such analysis.
S-parameters cnnot be converted to SPICE parameters due to their linear and small signal nature.An equivalent circuit contained RLCk and dependent voltage/current sources may be obtained but it won't be used in nonlinear simulations.Since you have obtained IV curves, why don't you use Model Extaction softwares ? Because there are many variants of few particular models like TOM, Skellern-Parker etc. for pHEMT devices and they have practically pos an cons.
You have Nonlinear-model.
So simply do s-parameter analysis using Nonlinear-model.