HFSS Lumped Port Definition
I have a problem in HFSS defining the ports for striplines as voltage gaps.
The striplines have two GNDs, so when I use the lumped port (with Solution type Model or Terminal) I get the error saying I have too many terminals.
a. Can you please send me an example taht include the correct definitions?
b. Any documentation where this issue is addressed?
Q1: What is the correct way to define a port for a stripline as a voltage gap (as opposed to a waveguide port) ?
Q2: The port needs to be on the edge of the substrate. Would it make a difference if the line would end somewhere inside the substrate?
Q3: Assuming I want to define the port as a waveguide port, inside the substrate. I am aware that I need to add a piece of PEC behind the waveguide port. I assume this does NOT assume that in reality I have a PEC block inside the substrate. Is this correct?
Thank you
I have a problem in HFSS defining the ports for striplines as voltage gaps.
The striplines have two GNDs, so when I use the lumped port (with Solution type Model or Terminal) I get the error saying I have too many terminals.
a. Can you please send me an example taht include the correct definitions?
b. Any documentation where this issue is addressed?
Q1: What is the correct way to define a port for a stripline as a voltage gap (as opposed to a waveguide port) ?
Q2: The port needs to be on the edge of the substrate. Would it make a difference if the line would end somewhere inside the substrate?
Q3: Assuming I want to define the port as a waveguide port, inside the substrate. I am aware that I need to add a piece of PEC behind the waveguide port. I assume this does NOT assume that in reality I have a PEC block inside the substrate. Is this correct?
Thank you
Hi kato
There is a quick guide HFSSintro.pdf in Help directory of your HFSS installation. (C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\HFSS15.0\Win64\Help in my lap top.
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