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Ohm/sq to Siemens/m conversion

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:

In the PDK that I am using the sheet resistance of the metal layers is in Ohm/sq, does anyone know what this sq means and more importantly how to converter this unit to Siemens/m. I need Siemens/m for ADS metal stack definition.

Ohm/sq is "Ohms per square". So a resistor that is say 50 Ohm/sq would be 50 Ohms if its width is the same as its length (W = L). It does not matter what W or L are but only the ratio of the two dimensions. Similarly if L = 2 * W it would be a 100 Ohm resistor or if L = W/2 the it would be a 25 Ohm resistor.

So the is no direct relationship between Ohm/sq and Siemens/m. The latter only has meaning if something is known about the cross-section of the material.

So basically

where t is the thickness of the material.

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