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Need Help Regarding Vector Network Analyzer

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
i am thinking to purchase rohde & schwarz ZVH4 vector network anlayzer for cable measurement.

i want to measure this parameters of cable:- attenuation,characteristic impedance,impedance,capacitance of cable,cross talk,mutual capacitance between conductor,propagation delay.

so is it possible to measure all this parameter using vector network analyzer?

thanks in advance.

it only makes "One-port cable loss measurements', so not too sure if you can excite cable 1, and see how much leaks onto cable 2. You might need a 2 port network analyzer to see that. But "the price is right".

Whatever you do buy, for a cable measurement application, I would make sure there is a time domain function that can identify "distance to fault". Say you have a kink in a cable 80 meters away, that can cause a big reflection...with a time domain function it will clearly tell you "there is a big mismatch 80 meters down the cable". With frequency domain analyzers, the will only tell you "there is a big mismatch somewhere down that cable". not as useful if you need to fix that cable.

Can not see that it is written anywhere that ZVH4 is a VNA. Guess it is more like a SNA and as such is measurement of reactance relative resistance not possible. This do also exclude measurement of capacitive values.

According to specification, ZHV4 is available with a VNA option, the basic instrument only provides scalar reflection and transmission measurements. http://cdn1.shop.rohde-schwarz.com/m...8-22_v0600.pdf

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