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Thd & snr simulink

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have built a very simple model in SIMULINK / MATLAB to investigate the relationship between SNR and THD.

I start without any noise present and SIMULINK tells me the THD = 38.03%.

When I introduce AWGN by reducing the SNR, not unexpectedly the THD gets worse (percentage increases).

If the noise power (or variance) of AWGN is known (and SNR) and given the fact AWGN is completely random in the time domain, SIMULINK will calculate a range of values for THD for a given noise power.

Obviously as the noise power increases the range of percentages for THD increase.

Is there a calculation which stipulates a range of values for THD given a specific value for noise power (SNR).

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