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CST MWS: S21 doesn't change despite separation distance

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello all,

I am trying to determine the power read at the receiving waveguide port due to the reflected power off the PEC wall from the transmitting waveguide port.

The setup is 2 waveguides, stimulated with waveguide ports, slightly separated from each other and both facing a finite PEC wall in free space at a fixed separation distance.

When I change the distance between the waveguide to PEC wall I notice that the S21 does not change at all.

I attached the model in a zip if anyone is interested. What am I doing incorrectly? I can upload results too if needed.

Thank you for your time,

SOVLED. Needed to use time gating to correctly read the reflected energy.

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