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Other microwave electronics forums?

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Boy, things are really dying in here.
What OTHER places do you discuss microwave electronics? Please publish where you are finding active discussions going on.

No better one that I'm aware of, but stack exchange and research gate have been good for other purposes.

In fact THINGS that are dying globally is the microwave electronics itself.
This happen even if the number of wireless communication systems increased exponentially in the last 20 years or so.
There are too many engineers which prefer to stay behind line codes, instead rotating around a Smith chart.

I have been noticing the same trend over the last few years. Maybe some of the Sages have just decided to go elsewhere or retire. There are many users that I no longer see participating.

vfone & Azulykit are right. In my experience and that of others I know we are a dying breed, literally, retiring or being retired and not being replaced.

Pure Analog is dying even-tough you accept or not.It's time to retire for us..
New coders will design the future even their jobs wouldn't be enjoyable as ours.

i would NOT be that glum. I just ran into a fellow trying to do analog signal processing to replace battery drain heavy digital DSP chips. So all is not lost yet! I could see the "rediscovery" of optical or analog processing needs in the edge space for AI, augmented reality, self driving cars, medical processing, etc.

what i was asking is more like, is there an instagram or other modern social media method engineers are discussing things on now, that me being an old fart do not know about?

AND, you can ALWAYS go back to Military Electronics. It is true that the industrial and consumer electronics arenas, while being very wireless, do not actually require wireless engineers to do the designs...they are all done in fabless chip design houses. Yet the military electronics seldom has enough manufacturing volume to justify custom microwave chip designs. Hence they still need us to do some magic....

and at my rate...i only have to hang on for another five years....

Try the everything RF Community - https://www.everythingrf.com/community - We try to get industry experts to answer questions that you post.

So, why YOU don't try the same thing here, on this forum?

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