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Dual broadband opamp (1-30MHz) needed

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello, I design a simple transceiver (1-30MHZ) using the sa612an as a detector and modulator (attached).

I am trying to find a dual opamp (DIP preferred) to amplify a bit the output and input signals in a single chip without the use of transformers/coils, you know as simple as possible with low components count.

I think these video opamps like the ne592 can do the job what do you think?
How can I amplify single ended using this chip? I have not found any schematics.
Is there also any dual opamp version I can use?

There are HUNDREDS of opamps that will meet your vague requirements; try looking at just about any vendor's site.

If you don't know how to amplify a single-ended signal with an opamp, then you better do some more searching. That is one of the most fundamental applications. It is absolutely unbelievable that you have not found any schematics. Where have you looked, under your bed?


I tried this search term, if that's what you're doing: ac coupled non-inverting gain. This is one that came up: AC Coupled, Single-Supply, Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifier Reference Design, aka tidu871

On duckduckgo.com
Obviously I am looking the wrong things.
I forgot to mention single ended PSU as well, I think any opamp can be biased that way although I do not have experience of how to do it.
This tl592 seems ok http://www.techlib.com/electronics/antennas.html but I do not know how to unbalance the input without the use of a transformer of course.

This is very helpful! I am looking on it now.

I have found some high speed opamps from analog deviced website, but what is the parameter I shall look for the maximum frequency (30MHz in my case)?
Is it the -3db bandwidth parameter?


I look at the (various) frequency versus gain and phase graphs in the OA datasheet and pretend to understand them and cross my fingers that's right. Do you mean the field in specs about GBW or the graphs in dB? I also pretend to understand that one. I'd compare slew rates. I'd also be keen to see the supply current, after the beginner's mistake of the first "fast" dual op amp I chose which uses 20mA per channel. Per channel...

I happen to have a few TL592 opamps.
Datasheet says 50MHz in the specs http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tl592b.pdf
I have seen it used here http://www.techlib.com/electronics/antennas.html
So I guess this can be used ok to 30MHz.

The thing is that I will power it from a single 5V supply and I need this to be a single ended input.
Please look at the datasheet on page 4 figure 3. Is this ok to connect two 50R resistors that way and connect the single ended input through a coupling capacitor?


Shame there are no graphs in that datasheet, just have to trust the written numbers. It's okay to connect the 50R resistors for parameter measurements like input offset (see figure 4, grounded inputs) :). I have no idea about your circuit and whether it needs that 50Ohm impedance matching and line termination stuff but I know your circuit is an AC amplifier and not a test setup :). The gain is modified with a resistor across the gain pins so you presumably don't need the typical two resistors for voltage amplification. 18 to 24mA supply current for no load, no signal...

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