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How to excite antenna with Laser source..

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear Members
Hope you all are fine.

I am trying to simulate an optical antenna in COMSOL. The concept is based on Seebeck effect where heating of different metals at their junction produces voltage. My objective is to find out the output voltage generated by the optical antenna when a Laser source of 1550 nm excites it. I am trying to re-simulate the attached paper.
Can someone please let me know how to add laser source as excitation and measure the output voltage in DC using COMSOL multiphysics 5.2.

Paper links, also attached here.

Awaiting your replies,

Best Regards

Dear Members
Good day to all.

As per attached papers, I would like to know how can I use computer simulation tool (CST-MWS) to;

1. Excite any antenna with a 1550 nm laser source ?
2. How to get results in the form of thermal output ?
3. How to get DC Voltage from the thermal response of the antenna?

Looking forward to your replies,
Best Regards

Whether the device is designed as THz antenna or not, it's only operated as a thermopile in your setup, the antenna properties discussed in the first paper are irrelevant.

Respectively you need a thermal solver (ANSYS, CST MPS, COMSOL) to model the problem.

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