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Maximum frequency signal in an IC packaged with DIP (Dual In-Line Package)

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello guys,

I'm designing a simple IC with a signal around 1 MHz. Can I measure it if my IC will be packaged with DIP?
What is the maximum frequency (without attenuation) of a signal that can be measure in DIP packages?

Thanks and best regards,

You can't estimate maximum frequencies without knowing the internal pin and external circuit impedance. Assume 5 nH series inductance for each DIL package pin (including power and ground) as a first guess and see how it works.

Any sort of attenuation will always happen, so you need to establish evaluation criteria to check how the waveform meets the established requirements/standards; anyway, in this specific case perhaps the aspect to be considered is not properly the external attenuation, but rather internal propagation delay and/or slew rate.

a couple hundred MHz i would guess. The question is...is there a good quality ground pin coming out anywhere near your signal pin, so that a microstrip board run can be initiated.

1 Mhz is no problem at all

Thanks guy for all contributions.
There is a input pin connected in a CMOS inverter that will receive a signal of 1 MHz. And the output pin is connected in a open-drain transistor, whose output signal will be around 1 MHz too. In this case, we are going to measure it using a high-impedance probe.
My concern is the parasitic capacitance between the output pin and ground.

biff44, please, what do you mean with a good ground pin coming out?
Do you think that microstrip board is needed for this 1 MHz? I mean, the frequency is low and the lines do not perfom as transmission line, dont it?

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