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What is the difference between small signal and large signal in mixer? and in OPamp?

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
What is the difference between small signal and large signal in mixer? and in OPamp?

Usually, we use small signal to analyse OP amp,the reason for which, I think,is because that the small signal don't exist but just be used for analyse and simulation.

Then,when we analyse the RF cell,just like mixer,small signal means the amplitude of signal is small, and large signal means amplitude large.

So,am I right?

Thank you very much for solving my confusion.

The signal will be considered small if it stays within the linear region. For an opamp, this means that the output is linearly proportional to the input.

Most common analog devices work in the linear region (small signal range) but most digital devices work in the large signal mode.

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