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Add new BandPass and Amplifier in ADS

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
I want to know how to add a new band-pass filter and amplifier to ads.
for Example, I selected this band-pass filter:
How can I create a new component(above component) to ADS?

In addition, for Amplifier with this specification how can I add it to ADS?

Any videos or tutorial?

S-parameters are given, what else you want ?

Than you Bigboss for you comment,
Yes, I have added a S2P component and added a s-parameter file for my amplifier. It works fine that I can see s-parameters diagrams. But How can I add NF( noise figure) to this component too?

You can add noise figure to the S-Parameter file, see https://ibis.org/connector/touchstone_spec11.pdf

If Noise Figure parameters are added into s-parameter file, it's OK.You can directly simulate it.But if they are not included into, you have nothing to do because NF parameters are measured ones and you have to either to measure or request from manufacturer.

Note that : Insertion Loss of a passive device ( filter,diplexer etc. ) is simultaneously Noise Figure, so you can write them directly into s-parameter file by Touchstone format definition.For amplifier, you cannot know this..

The S2P files linked above don't have noise figure included.

I would expect that ADS uses noise figure =insertion loss, unless there is something else defined in the file? But wait ... that's valid for passive devives only. So what does ADS do then?

Thanks Volker and BigBoss for your comment,

I need to do harmonic balance to for my mixer. But I was not successful to find the S-parameter and spur table for my dipole S-parameter device. (mixer:SIM-153+) could you help me?

S-parameters are not used for HB..The Mixer which you intend to use is a Diode+Transformer Type Mixer, you will take it and use it.. That's it.
There is no information to analyze..

I really appreciate your help.

How can I define my mixer specification based on a Diode+transformer?

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