IE3D - Dielectric cells and near field calculations
Dear all,
I was trying to calculate near E field of structure consisting of dipole illuminating lossy dielectric brick with high er.
Result is very strange, the E field (cut inside the brick) is decreasing monotically even at the boundary air-brick and it seems that the dielectric brick is ignored by near field calculator (?)
I was trying to calculate near E field of structure consisting of dipole illuminating lossy dielectric brick with high er.
Result is very strange, the E field (cut inside the brick) is decreasing monotically even at the boundary air-brick and it seems that the dielectric brick is ignored by near field calculator (?)
Hi, erip:
Near field calculation is not implemented for finite dielectric structures. It is supposed to give you an error message when you do so with strucutre consisting finite dielectrics. It seems to me it gets bypassed. I will have it checked. Sorry for the inconvenience. We will try to spend some time to finish the near field calculation for finite dielectrics case. Thanks!
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