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gerrit mur

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
I fyes please could you help me I want to ask some questions

go ahead!

My friend does the boundary conditions that we apply in FDTD simulations absorb perfectly all the sacttered waves or untill some value they absorb do you know about this ? Because i ahve tried the ABCs of Gerrit Mur from the book of Kunz tehy don't absorb exactly, but at least the value of the scatterd wave become
around 0.00001 is this okey or i wrote the code wrong ? Thanks
with my best regards

Dear helio1972 you said go ahead but did not answer my question yet

Absorbing boundary conditions don't completly absorbe incident waves, but they reflect such a small part of the wave that they become a good aproximation of free space.
Assuming your incident wave has a value of 1, if your reflected wave has a value of 0.00001 as you said, your Absorbing boundary condition is working ok. In case you need even less reflection you could use Berenger's Perfectly matched layer.

I see

Also do you work like this in your simulations.
Also what about ready programs for the simulation?

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