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hfss s11

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

I designed a rectangular waveguide with 8 slots.

I defined input as port 1.
And then for the 8 slots.. port 2, port 3... to port 9.

When i find the S11 parameter results, i get 9 different cures
S11 (port1, port1), S11(port1,port2), S11(port1, port3)... and so on..

But i just want 1 curve of the S11 parameter results... of port 1 wrt all the other slot ports (ports2 to 9).

Som How can i get S11 (port1, port2to port8)
ie input port 1 and (all the slot ports together).


Hi !
It's not clear what you want, anyway
S11(port1,port1) gives you the reflection coefficient from all slots above,
S19(port1,port9) gives you the transmission coefficient of slotted waveguide and
(1-S11^2 - S19^2) - gives you the power exited through all eight slots.
ps. assume that waveguide itself is lossfree...

i am sorry , i am not clear about what your said , i don't think define all the slot to be ports. maybe the slots are the special structure that you want to simulate,so if you want the s11 ,just see the result of input port s11

hey you just dont select all that you dont want when you are adding the traces to the solution... isnt it?

or have i misunderstood your question?


Definietely not clear as to what exactly ur structure is and what u want..
Please elucidate..

Do you have a network analyser? maybe you can measure some of these parameters ie the reflection coefficients practically.
kind rgds manenef

as far as i undersatnd u need s111 of 1 w.r.t other ports that means u need to see S11 s12 s13 s14 and so on ..i hope it is clear

上一篇:active antenna(paper)

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