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Why we use slot on the antenna structure to improve their bandwidth?

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi there
as you know, we use slot on the antenna structure to improve thier bandwidth. what's it's theoritical resaon

As far as my understanding goes, it increases the length the current has to travel on the surface and hence extending the frequency of resonance to another frequency very close to the actual resonant frequency, in the process, increasing the impedance bandwidth.
If i've missed something out, other users of the forum kindly correct.


i agree on you,ananth!and if you slot on transmission line cut the current ,the Hertzian waves will radiate from the slot..

i agree with you ananth, but with you'r anaswer, why we use slots and we can use unsloted structure that currents can travel more than slot structure?

read this article



Hey Ali,
The difference in using a slot and another structure to increase the current flow is that the size/area of the antenna when you introduce a slot decreases whereas if you have an additional length of metal, it only increases the size.
So, using a slot is beneficial from the size of the antenna viewpoint as well.

Hope this answers your question.

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