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How to properly model stripline gap?

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, everyone. I have a question about stripline gap. The stripline is a conductor sandwiched by dielectric between a pair of groundplanes, and the gap is on the center signal conducting trace.

I think the gap can be modeled as a capactor network, but I cannot find the analytical model for that. Do you have any information about kind of modeling? Thanks.

Are you talking about quasi static approximation using a capacitor network?

Hi, adel_48. Yes, I want to extract the stripline gap capacitance pi-network. Thanks.

Hi, Winji:

Why do you need to use an analytical model? You can use EM simulators to find the s-parameters of the structure and the Pi-network of the model.

You are not only able to find the s-parameters and the Pi-network for a given structure. On the FastEM Design Kit in IE3D V12, you can even find the parameterized model for your stripline gap with variable parameters such as the strip width and the gap width etc. Please give it a try. I am jian from Zeland. Regards.

Hello winglj,

AWR Microwave Office (MWO) has the stripline gap SGAP analytical model using this you can get back the PI model...

SGAP : Gap in Conductor (Closed Form)

Implementation Details:
The series gap results in a dominantly series capacitance of a relatively small value. This model does not include the losses associated with the dielectric or conductor and is based on static solutions of a zero thickness strip.

W (Stripline Width) and S (Gap Width) are entered in the default length units.

SSUB references a Stripline substrate, which defines cross sectional parameters.

[1] A.A. Oliner, _Equivalent Circuits for Discontinuities in Balanced Strip Transmission Line_ IRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, March 1955 p.134-143

[2] H.M. Altschuler and A.A. Oliner, "Discontinuities in the Center Conductor of Symmetric Strip Transmission Line", IRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, May 1960 p.328-339


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