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sloted microstrip hfss

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
my final project is to design and simulate U-slot in MSA for broadbadn opration
and i design it in hfss but i have a questoion :

how much is the high of air box (the box that we draw for simulatin air) in hfss ?

please see my file (that upload here) and tell me my answer

i have different result for change in high of air box !

please tell me your suggestion if my design is not corect

you can set the height "h" as variable and then do parameter sweep.

Yes I do it and set h of air box as variable but my problem is that for every h of box result change and I want to know that witch of them is simulated correct

for example see this two result for h=15 mm and h=65 mm

i am waiting for your opointmnt

From the two results, I am sure the latter one is not correct because there is a sudden change, it is not practical. RULE OF THUMB, you should assign no less than .05 lamda far away from radiation patch. And you should do enough times to make sure that is covergent. hope it helpfull.


thanks but it converged ok and i do simulation by default lamda see this and tell me your oppointment thanks before

i am waiting for your opointment

Sorry, it should be .25 lamda. Please upload your .hfss file, I will correct it for you!



thanks i upload it for you in first of this page (up) in .rar type please doanload it from top of this page

i am waiting for your opointment

mr Edmund if you receive file corectly tell me .thanks

please help me it is very emergency !

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