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zeland ie3d

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
I was wondering is it possible to implement\simulate a double probe fed patch antenna on zeland

Thx in advance

Hi, aali:

You can define as many ports on a patch antenna as you like. You can also put lumped elements connections on the ports and find the current distribution and raidaiton patterns with the lumped element connected using the combinations of MGRID/IE3D/MODUA. It is discussed in the manual.

Best regards,

Hi jian

Ver. 12.01 still has MFC problem I'm downloading the 12.02 and I hope it fixed.
There is a great change in time of simulation in relation to Ver11. now the CPU usage is 100% instead of 25% in 2 Hyper Treading CPU machine you have done it well.
Now I'm waiting for the Quad Core machine.


Hi, Plasma;

Yes. IE3D/MGRID 12.01 has a crashing problem due to an optimization in the code. We turned off optimization for a section of code and it is released in 12.02.

Best regards,

optimization in the software ie3d/mgrid is genetic algorithm.
genetic algorithm is best about optimization.

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