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Examples and useful references about HFSS

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
How can I give more information about this software?
Thanks !

You mean "How can i find more informations on HFSS" ?

u can enter
this Web can help you

try this web site


You can find a lot of information on this forum. You could also dload the Manula from this forum which would be of great help.

this forum is very usefull for hfss

you can get good tutorial in this forum

there is a e book hfss_full_book posted here in this forum

pl read that and if there is some one in your university who is good at hfss will be very use full person to learn hfss

hey u can logon to www.ansoft.com or www.agilent.com.. which have two diff versions of HFSS.. namely HFSS9.0 and HFSS 5.5

thnk u

Here are something for your reference


here is the part 2

it is High frequency structural simulator
ANSOFT provides HFSS

Here are example

what are the contents of this file?

Here is some example of HFSS and tutorials

any one have antenna examples

You can find antenna example here

and looke the attached file too.

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