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is there a word propenciated

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
i need 16X 16 bit so i need 256 ataris
to do this per rf or matter class instance construct

i posted this on edaboard in the hope of getting interest
ill post it here as its interesting in a 16 bit sort of way
but i still need 256 ataris just to control a single facet of the rf emission section and a further power of 16 for the rf emulssions section
{16 sided diffraction grid made from lcd layers {ie the chamber isnt a box}}
its not the computing power

its the people infront of each that can make this happen

a school of pupils mirrored by adults
making it happen 256 pupils + mirror * 16 bit * subjects * realm
like the earth makes its gasses and matter fuels
{it even eats you ... the planet by far is at the top of the food chain for sure ! lol:) }
we must make ours ! from other shit{rock and glass and metal and gas}
the plant yields {literaly!shit...} excuse my words
but better than saying excrement
i dont like this word there is afterall more than one kind of shit
and the earth will be happy with this advent i think ...

some facts


every so often i rock the boat with an idea

so here is tonight's

a multi spectrum microwave producing oven
not to cook food but matter
to form other matter like gas or other fuels elements etc..
a kind of ionic chamber
{even ionic liquids could be used instead of gas and matter}

basically non complex{non long chain} molecules

fuel !

in the presence of a gas or gasses
and some sort of analyzer to go with it

the microwavelet oven {for want of a better phrase}
basically will be used to provide targeted multiphase controlled also multi frequency controlled
challenge to the covalent ionic or deplete bonds
on any matter structure {even the quenching gas etc itself }
as a polariser{as a reactant} depositor {to flash coat the chamber as part of a further reaction } or depleting {back to particles {gas }}
complex coaxial wavelet {composite diferanciated sinodial event}

plateleted media like rock wood or metal crystals {as all mater is crystalline anyway just at different optical fraction}

the computer analyses the structure of the rock etc,,, in the oven
ie samples its top 65535 microns
the reactants can be sliced or diced
to increase surface areas and given tensions etc..

during the cooking polar depletion of platelets or plateltees occurs

and this can take place in such an oven with low voltage
just enough to form an rf skin region.... to 256 microns

you then introduce quenching gases{or gas} that is a noble gases mix or pure

frozen to there static point {just above where they freeze to matter}
much like ice water +2+3 but -40 to -200 per elemental gas used
to quench {cool and form molecules}
or gas mix etc. {to do the same} or gasses frozen round a rock and the inside hyper excited and rf layer will form even in a fridge to produce the gas layer
that can then be tapped like a reactor and also fed ....

to produce fuel from rock or any matter from any matter..
then the new reaction is made and the program of all dumped as a data set {model } then compiled to a routine
from real thinking brains... and in a realtime
each person has its input to the full picture

once the program for each ionic exchange layer is made its compiled in realtime
and other's plotted
and the outcome's propenciated to its needed parts per million
{just thinking gas for now}
then ejected and the process restarts

then its compiled from real thinking brains... in a realtime
each person has its input to the full picture

i have sent this outline principle to myself several days ago
and received it today by registered post so this idea has copyrights

so im eager to share this idea especially with the eastern regions.!

primarily it takes chemists to work out what to do
but electronics to do it so
go get on with it

i wave all rights to this idea.. as its so important to human life !

this post here is taken by myself as fact
and all rights to the copy are mine

however its a free idea and im happy to talk over it
pm email phone etc..
feel free like a gas does


Added after 31 minutes:

too moderation

sorry m8ys
didn't know where to put this post...?

there is sadly no new ideas section
{you send your idea to the moderation section
then you all decide by a vote if to post it or not
wake up and make such a section for new ideas
this section is probably the most adhesive ... i could find to this topic}



obviously you build the whole system of school setup up slowly
over a few generations till it works well
and debugged{repeated transperiment }

i named it

electromagnetic microwavelet induced particalisation effect

never just think in 2 dimentions always in groups three
in this case
a simple gas exaust would be calculated as

ICAV = (V*((R2*Z)*(peek*amplitude))) + frequncy encoded carrier) / covalent reactance

forinstance waters covalent bond starts to resonate at 2.34ghz
and peeks around this

all it takes is an intersperced lower higher notch of frequency carrier {multifreq burst of wideband notched microwaves around the main exciter carrier }t
and an ht charge to remove a particle
even polerise the atom differently to accept its new state and weight

and replace it with any naratide or not !

with an antenna

you travel from a lower frequency
to a high one no matter what transmitter you use

and a particle moves off the radiator or an atom is excited by the flux and emits a particle and the charge is displaced

be it a proton or an electron
BUT metal will as its a complex crystal just open a platelet and shed's a few electrons BUT also protons and neutrons as the atom falls off and is carrier to a null point in the flux radiation patern

ive found rings of metal deposit particles in snow round high power HF antenna
you can see them with dark glasses on just a little more clearly

so i know that rf throws particles from the radiator
and will be then attrackted to a given node
or anti node depandant on there charge at the time andalso this changes on transit
so the charge can change enought to streer it {as a magnet works...}

this is enought to know this will work

and the lower you traverse in frequncy in a burst
the more you slow down to a point of null a reaction

adding freezing to the nulling rf burst and this will slow
atomoic reactions to yield many states at the users will
using maybesome magnetic force also
as a dipoleriser

so we need to mix HT +pulse wideband RF + fixed magnets + magnaflux ~ atoms = other atoms

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