The learning curve for IE3D is a bit steep
I've been struggling for learning IE3D v12 for over a week. It's quite confusing for having so many options/configurations. Talking about the user manual(Dated October, 2006), I can see quite a few mis-spelling, double typing here and there sticking out.
My question here is: How do you define a finite dielectrics layer in the IE3DLibrary edtior? I can delete the dielectrics substrate in the basic parameter and add a new dielectrics type. However, what's the next step? In the MGrid editor, there's something called "Dielectrical Call" which doesn't appear in the IE3DLibaray as far as I can tell.
My question here is: How do you define a finite dielectrics layer in the IE3DLibrary edtior? I can delete the dielectrics substrate in the basic parameter and add a new dielectrics type. However, what's the next step? In the MGrid editor, there's something called "Dielectrical Call" which doesn't appear in the IE3DLibaray as far as I can tell.
Hi, rc5:
1. There are some movies on the web site you can watch to see how IE3D is being used.
2. At this time, finite dielectrics is not implemented into the IE3DLIBRARY interface. You can only define them in MGRID.
best regards,