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A little bit info on "CST STUDIO SUITE? 2006B"

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
CST will be previewing CST STUDIO SUITE? 2006B at MTT-S IMS 2006. It will be released in Q3 2006.

Solver technology has been again a key focus of CST STUDIO SUITE??s development. Users of CST MWS? Time Domain solver can now take advantage of the new Fast PBA mesher for higher performance and robustness, and a more flexible subgridding scheme with drastically reduced memory requirements. The transient solver engine is the first module to run with Linux operating systems. The Frequency Domain solver features plane wave incidents and slanted ports and the performance of mesher and solver has been increased.

Two completely new interfaces have been developed, to Mician?s μWave Wizard mode matching software (through CST DESIGN STUDIO?) and AWR?s Microwave Office? circuit simulation tool.

In order to simulate realistic biasing of ferrites, coupled simulation between CST MICROWAVE STUDIO??s (CST MWS) high frequency solvers and CST EM STUDIO??s magneto-static solver has been implemented
The interface between the high frequency solvers and the thermal solver has been improved further.

I heard that it will include MoM solver as well, is this correct ?

Yes. However I'm not sure whether the MOM solver is going to be something like IE3D, i.e. to be able to analyze electrically small 3D structures accurately too. If so, that would be great as it is much easier to define generally parametric 3D structures in CST MWS than IE3D (I've not tested FastEM in IE3D V12 yet).

Can I use lumped elements on this new CST version using frequency solver? In the previous version, CST doesn't allow me to put lumped components in the computation area (Fast Resonance S parameter).

What is the difference between 2006 and 2006B ?
2006B was released before 2006 SP7. Why CST support 2006 in spite of they have 2006B?
Does CST have 2 products now, 2006 and 2006B ? Am I right?

Dear pir0texnik,

V2006 is being technically supported but most likely you can't buy or lease it from CST. As to what's new in CST 2006B, you could find some brief info through the folowing like:



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