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hfss error code 1054

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
I simulated a spiral inductor with HFSS V10 and met a problem as shown below.
HFSS indicated :
[error] Lambda refining mesh, process mesh3d : Unexpected internal software error code 1054 with module id 0.
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine.

Have you ever met such an error( error code 1054)? what does it mean? I googled with this error code, no answer was found. Can you give me some advice? Your help would be highly appreciated.



Have you just tried to use the HFSS full book spiril inductor simulation example. Myabe if you tried this you will see how your simulation setup is different?

Thank you for your attention.
I really did my simulation according to "the HFSS full book spiril inductor simulation example"(version 9.2). I am wondring if you have met such a problem when you simulated that spiral inductor with HFSS v10.

I will try it again, step by step, and hope to complete that example without error.
Thank you again.

BTW, Is there a book pertaining to the code error of HFSS?

We, the poor users of HFSS, all wanted to own "a book pertaining to the code error of HFSS" :)

The book is here brantyu, edaboard ;)

Please let us know if you solved the problem, and what the solution is, if you solved it.

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