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How to get 3d field plots from a fully calculated HFSS project?

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

can somebody tell me how to get 3d field plots from a fully calculated hfss project.
The result menu does not provide something ?


you have to select the geometry, and then right click\plotfields\... then you can select the fields you want.

thanks (you got 3 pts)

I have another question.
If I have already calculated modal scattering parameters,
is there a possiblity to get the terminal scattering paramters in post processing.


The edges of a waveguide port are set with dependency of the assumed boundary.
If I use radiation boundary on the port face, which boundary is used for the
port edges. PERFECT E ?


I think that the modal parameters are the same as the terminal parameters as long as you have only one terminal per port. Otherwise, I do not think you can get the terminal parameters in a simple way

Usually the port edges is assumed as PEC or PMC since in all cases (closed wg, open wg, planar TL, ... ) the fields are concentrated in a certain region and very small around it, so the port edge does not really affect the results much. However, the best way to ensure it, is to use a port of certain size and then increase the size until further increase does not affect Z0 and gamma of the waveguide. However, this is very tedious and time consuming so I do not recommend it unless you really need very high accuracy. Also, take care of the limits of the fabrication and material properties, trying to perfect the model is not always a good idea. Try to make it a simple and efficient for prove of concept, not to get results exactly as measured.

best regards and thanks :)

Hello elektr0,
Have u defined a radiation boundary? If u have, u have to also add the radiation setup to see radiation characteristics of the structure.. Hope this helps.


Why not first try some simulation examples as the tutorial says.

上一篇:e-field in cst

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