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to jian sir ( reg PIFA antenna in IE3D simulation)

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi sir,
I am jayanthi , I am herewith attaching one geo file named Er=1. and I would like to know the thickness of the metal in the top radiating patch exactly. I request you to kindly reply me as early as possible.

with thanks

As you defined, you are using the thin model with thickness = 10.8 mm. The thickness information is used to model the loss effect. However, it is not used in the structure simulation in the thin model. If you want to have precise modeling of the thickness, you do need to build the thickness. You can also use the Automatic Run-Time Thickness (ARTT) feature of IE3D. ARTT allows you to do the editing as thin model while perform the simulation as thick model. It is flexible in geometry modeling while it allow you to model the thickness effect (both loss and structure effects) precisely.

I am not sure what thickness you want. Right now, you are defining tk = 10.8 mm. It is very thick. If you build the thickness model, the structure will be completely different from the current one. You need to specify the right thickness in the Metallic Strip Types in the Basic Parameters. Regards.

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