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best 3d EM simulator? Don't miss precision

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
following the https://www.edaboard.com/viewtopic.php?t=86135

TD:MicroStripes(TLM) especial for large size problem.;

some one tell me that the CST is not precision.

I think one problem in accuracy in CST is the material modeling. It has to model the materials to some dispersion relation, which might in some cases give incorrect material properties at some frequencies.

in fact, most simulation software can onli provide results that are as close as possible. Because simulators provide the most ideal case result. You can only model ur antenna design as accurate as possible. So what ever antenna or microwave circuits that you fabricated, its not possible to get the same as the simulated one.

I know a company at the cutting edge of the technology fo miniature filtering antennas for mobile, wireless and handheld devices, named http://www.sarantel.com/

Their CTO, Oliver Leisten is really an EM specialist (passion of EM), and has been using MICROSTRIPES for its superior accuracy. (http://www.flomerics.com/microstripes/)

you may want to check it out, giving a try

good luck

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