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Time harmonic electromagnetic fields

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

does anybody has a copy of TIME HARMONIC ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS by R.F.HARRINGTON ? Is the book available on this forum?/will u plz share the soft copy / downloading link of the book.

with regards


The book is available here :


Folks -- That book is copyrighted. The author was my dissertation advisor. He is 80 years old now and living by himself (his wife passed away several years ago) in Tuscon Arizona. I gave my Maxwell presentation there a couple months ago and we went out afterwards and enjoyed some icecream together. He is having a hard time getting around due to artheritis. He is a very wonderful person, for whom life is starting to become difficult. And you are stealing from him.

You can go to Amazon.com and buy a legal copy of the book for just over USS60. If this is something you simply can not afford, please enjoy the illegal copy referenced above. If this is something you can afford, please buy a legal copy. If you can afford a new copy (just under USS100), at least a small part of your purchase price will go to the author, and he certainly deserves any small amount he might get for this very important work. If you have the option, be honest. Your friends will notice and that will benefit you directly.

I agree with rautio. If you can afford, please buy it. Remember, one day our works may be treated in the same way. But if you really can not afford it, I beleive there is not much harm in using the illegal copy. At least this would be my feeling if someone were to use the results of my work.

you gain some, you lose some...
every one should respect other rights.

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