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HFSS simulation help needed

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello I need some help in HFSS. I am trying to simulate a Vivaldi antenna. I guess I am doing an error in creating a waveport and mesh. My feed is a stipline between the subtrates. The top and bottom coppers are the vivaldi flares of copper ( this acts as ground w.r.t. the stripline feed). The operating frequency is 500 MHz to 2000 MHz, with a center frequency of 1.25 GHz.
I am getting error as " Mesh generation is failed" and Simulation completed with execution error"
Can anyone plz. help me out.

you refer to links:

tutorial hfss

Thank you Nazanin for the links. But, as I am new to this forum I dont have enough points to download the link.


10 min. later.....

Oh... now i got enough pts. to downlaod . Thank you.

You can see how and what to give dimensions of waveport in the tutorial ,if nt let me know i'll help you out.

Hello Pareshatlnmiit,

I am trying to design Vivadi in the frequency range of 300 to 800 MHz. But unable to get enough information at these frequencies. If you have any tutorials or information could please let me know.


What kind of information you want to know realting to these frequencies,for waveport i can suggest you that if you have HFSS 10 tutorial then u can refer that ,they will give u exact result other then that let me know what are other problems

Added after 3 minutes:

Refer to

Yeah, I have hfss v. 10. Do I need to specify an integrations lines at the waveports, if yes how. Coz, I have stripline feed and vivald flares (top and bottom) will act as the grounds. So, do I need to give two integration line i.e from center(stripline) to each flare. More over I am getting return loss very high, is there any paper regarding proper feed and transition from stipline to slotlines.


I would look into the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagartion as well as the MTT. They provide a wealth of information on transitions from one microstrip structure to another.

I suggest that you look into the HFSS online help for impedance calculation. There is some guidance there that will allow you to avoid grief when you set up your waveports.

i fu can send me the HFSS file i can look into it

i fu can send me the HFSS file i can look into it

Hello akedar,

Attached, please find my simulation file. I am working on this since one and half month, but unable to figure out where I am going wrong. I have 2 GB of RAM, but its I am getting error with insufficient memory. But I am got this error recently, previously my simulation were running. Please have a look at the waveport, integration lines, mesh and excitation. I am working on HFSS V. 10.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


give me some time i will get back to you..can u tell me what are the results u r expecting or send ne the paper u are following

i am also using HFSS v 10 so i will b able to help..i suppose

I am using HFSS 9.0; when I try to open this file, it crashes on me... is it because of the different version?

i f u can send me teh paper u r following it will b helpful..
till now what i have seen ur waveport is defined correctly....but u need to define only one mode not two modes

secondly why u have defined two metallic structure at the edges of the structure...
next u hav to define radiation boundary on all the four sides to capture back radiation also.

send me the paper then i will model the geo correctly and send to u

Hi arash_bigshot,

I am using HFSS v. 10


Added after 1 hours 38 minutes:

Hi akedar,

I am following some of the material from one senior and my professor. The technical paper which I am following is " Parameter Study of Stripline fed vivaldi notch antenna arrays" by Shin and Schaubert. Just google out this paper on net, you can find it. I am trying to design this antenna from .5 to 2 GHz. I gave two modes of exications because I am using a stripline feed with two metal flares on the either sides. I didnt use the radiation boundry back, coz antenna shud not radiate back.

I have few question for the copper flares, should we assing them PEC or Perfect E or Finite Conductivity ?
Should the radiation box be Vaccum or Air ?
What boundry should we assign to the waveport?
Is giving two modes for the stipline feed is correct or wrong ?


Hi akedar,

Are you getting any simulation results ?


the waveport doesnt need to hav any boundary to be defined

i am trying to redsign ur structure and will send to you
actually i have some virus problem with my PC which I m trying to solve

well any way
u should not define two mode for stripline..only one is sufficient modes. U can refer text on it to understand stripline modes.
The copper flares u can define as finite conductivity.

but since u have already metallic patches on two layers (flares) u dont need them seperately..radiation box can be vaccuum

thats tru that u didnt define radiation boundary at the back but still u will hav some back radiation which u have to capture to get correct gain of antenna

dont worry i will simulate the structure and send u the file..give me some 3-4 days
meanwhile can u send me NOD32 antivirus if u hav to solve my virus problem

see this link for ur design

Thanks Akedar... I will check this link.


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