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915 MHz Microstrip Antenna by Kenneth A. O’Connor

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
All Thing about Microstrip Antenna

but this does not contains the basics

for basics of microstrip antenna u can refer to
microstrip antennna HB by i.j.bahl...etc
compact n broadband MS by kin lu wong..

u can get a good link of MS antenna in rfandrew site

can you tell me the rfandrew site address?

you can download ebook microstrip antenna from link:




hi all,
does anybody have some article or any docummentation about microstrip antenna for mobile communication.
My second question is can we design a multiband antenna by using the microstrip type.
thanks in advance

here is the link of my project document https://www.edaboard.com/viewtopic.php?p=816423#816423
u can check there

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