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problem on scattering by cylinders

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, there:
I am a newbie in EM, and got a problem here. suppose an incident plane wave is radiating in the presence of a conducting cylinder, and the textbook said, OK, that the total electric field is ZERO at the boundary of the cylinder, but there is current flowing on the surface of cylinder, The problem here is : if there is no E on the surface, how could the electrons be driven to form current?


Because the conductivity for PEC is infinity, you can't
have a finite value of electric field at the boundary,
otherwise singularity arises.

Thank you wandering heart!
an other question. is that true that under all circumstances the tangential component of the E fields on the surface of the PEC are Zero?


see...in case of PEC..all inside fields are zero...so n * E2=0 which simply means tangential component is zero...which is true for all PEC cases...Also in case of PEC...the tangential H component is equal to surface current...acatully it is surfce current density...

Yes, sure.

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