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Directivity for the patch

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everybody,

I fabricated an antenna patch on the surface HIS, but now my antenne have two principal lopes , the gain is not so good, So anybody has the solution for me for augmenting the gain and for radiating only one lope's principal? pls help.
I will appreciate all the help.

Just a look ex..

So I must to be found out :d

We need some more information, what model were using to design and the substrate properties including its thickness. I have designed patch antennas and the patterns are quite okay.

if there are two principle lobes, that means it is higher mode not the doninant mode.

Thank you,
Hi manenef

Added after 2 minutes:

Hi, I used HFSS and my substrat had eps of 4, the patch is not just on the surface, it is higher some mm, is it the probleme?

Hi mane, would u mind to post your file here plz?

try to reduce the patch dimension to avoid the higher mode

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