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add e-filed probe in HFSS

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
how to add field probe in hfss as cst?

u do not need a field monitor in HFSS..the field distribution is computed for all the frequencies of the sweep you choose. Unlike CST where u need to define a monitor.

Just simulate, chose the structure u want to inspect and rigth mouse button click and under the link FIELDS chose what u want or create your custom quantity.


If you already know the surface you want to
know for example the E field, just right click
in the surface> plot fields and chose E field.
If it is something that is in the air, I mean is
not a surface per se, but an area in front
of the antenna for example, create a square
surface, do NOT assign any material, and do
the same procedure. Of course you need to
solve the structure with this "surface".

I want to find the resonant frequency of dielectric resonator in free space.
When i use plane wave ,how can i find the dielectric resonator's resonant frequency in hfss.
in cst ,I use e-field probe inside dielectric resonator
how can i do?

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