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Plz help me( calculation S21 in FDTD)

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello all,
How can i calculate S21 parameter for microstrip that excited with gaussian pulse from total/scattered field? I want to extract S21 directly from E-field.


i want to tell you that s21 is calculated by scattring field in the second port devided by incedent field in the first port
so calculat Escattered in port two then devide it on E incident in port one
one help i want you to send me you fdtd program because i have a big problem in mine
i use pml and i have un equal reflection from it
email: ahmedsk_zf81@yahoo.com

hi see this file,
I have a 3D FDTD code for a icrostrip that i calculate the Sij, so if you need just ask me.
best wishes

hi helio1972 I need your code , can you send it to me by e-mail shenhongj2008@hotmail.com

hi helio1972 I need your code also,i appreciate ur help,regards
my email:jamywood4000@yahoo.com

Hello, you can calculate the S21 parameter by taking either fast fourier transform (FFT) or descrete fourier transform(DFT) of the E field at port two and the incident field at port one and use the resulting frequency domain transform of the incident field to divide the transform of the E-field at port two.

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