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how to design a bow tie

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello Everyone,

I need help in designing a bow-tie antenna analytically before confirmation with numerical tools. Please, can any body help me with a book that atleast give an insight on how to go about the design. Thanks, Babinton

Bow-tie antennas on a dielectric half-space: Theory and experiment
Compton, R.; McPhedran, R.; Popovic, Z.; Rebeiz, G.; Tong, P.; Rutledge, D.;
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on [legacy, pre - 1988]
Volume 35, Issue 6, Jun 1987 Page(s):622 - 631


Thanks fr your reply,
I have a problem, I don't know how I can get the paper, please can you upload it .

Dear babinton,

Here's the paper.

However, based on my own experience in playing around with bow-ties, it is rather difficult to analyse it. Cos' it is rather broadband (which means you cannot easily identify any fundamental modes of excitation), and its frequency response is also governed by its flare angle (I remembered making the same comment about bow-tie antennas in another thread, search for it). Anyway, hope the paper helped.

Best regards,

Please, what advice can you give me on another antenna that I can use for the ground penetrating radar system .


Antennas for GPR:
1. Bowtie
2. Dipole --> more difficult for matching impedance
3. Horn
4. ...else...?

i needed it for my thesis. i have to simulate it with HFSS. thanks

does anyone here know
what is the input impedance for a bow-tie dipole antenna?

I'm having the same problem... I am performing simulations too, but I am unable to reproduce the results that I have found on the attached paper. See figure 6 and the explanation on page 422. They say that the impedance is real for any bow angle.


Its depend on the flare-angle...

source: Lestari, Andrian Andaya. Antennas For Improved Ground Penetrating Radar. IRCTR, TU Delf, 2003

Bowtie antenna impedance is only real when it have infinite length
see: Lestari, Andrian Andaya. Antennas For Improved Ground Penetrating Radar. IRCTR, TU Delf, 2003.


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