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reflectarray analysis

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
I saw there is an increasing interest in reflectarray analysis, so i guess it could be helpful to collect the different way to analize the scattered field from a reflectarray cell.

First we have to fix the target we're interested on:
- let us consider a RA cell illuminated from a plane wave coming from a direction (Θ,φ) (sperical plane wave settings)
- The cell is periodated by means of Master/Slave boundaries, having the phase term related to the specular direction (Θ,φ+180) (do you agree?)
- On the top of the air box the PML boundaries are set.
- We are interested in evaluating the scattered field (both components, in all the directions)

In the following i report different way i guess can be used to evaluated the scattered field. I only tried some of these, then some can not be correct.
Comments or adds are needed!

1) Direct Field Evalution
The first way i can imagine is to directly evaluate the radiated far field in all the directions. I expect to get the maximum field intesity in the specular direction. But this is not always true! Maybe it could be due to the influence of the high order floquet modes... A deeper analysis is needed

2) Direct Bistatic RCS Evalution
I do not know in what it differs from the previous mode, but I see it in some other posts

3) Field Calculator
A possible way seems to be obtained by using the field calculator. Details can be found in the post https://www.edaboard.com/ftopic293043.html. The radiated field is evaluated by integrating the field across a plane in the near field zone orthogonal to the interested observation direction.

4) Floquet Analysis
HFSS 11 provides Floquet port to be used instead of the PML. I guess in this case the incident and reflected fields are expanded in Floquet modes. Maybe in this way a more accurate description of the radiated field can be obtained.

That's all!At the moment :D

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