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Isolation transformer design

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
I need to know how to design an isolation output transformer for an electrosurgical device?

These transformers must pass stringent tests and be certified for this use. It may be less expensive to buy a ready made transformer that is already certified.

In general there are stringent leakage current and voltage breakdown requirements.

Here are some guidelines:

Here is a general overview. Not much detail though.
I recommend flatulent's suggestion, although shopping may be difficult. This RF transformer seems highly specialized.

where is the rest of the book "The Biomedical Engineering Handbook"

if i remember there was some discussion about uploading it here. what happened?

It's still too big despite my attempts to use several (deficient/broken) PDF image compression utilities.

Try eD2k. You want the 152MB version, not the 11MB versions.

you can find this book on rapid. You seach it as The Biomedical Engineering Handbook

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