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Please suggest some EM lecture note

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
1.may some one suggest a Electromagnetic course's presentation,in ppt or pdf formate,and upload. The best is from ee course.I will use as a teaching and studying reference.

2.question: how to learn and teach the Electromagnetic course in the new century?

3.which book may fit the college student best?
please suggest a Electromagnetic course's presentation


Have you seen this?
I think it's pretty good



I have seen. But there are some thing about FDTD.

and what I search is the basic EM thery and the teaching consideration.

You see,In the new centery,there are so many must be study.So the time arrange for EM is limit.

question:how to study and teach EM course efficien?

So I need some ee course ppt for reference.

Thank you.

Hi all,
I feel that learning from a book by spending a few weeks is the best way to learn EM if you cannot get a course on it (A good course will have no replacement).I suggest a few good books for the beginner which are not pushovers either.

1) Engineering Electromagnetics - Hayt
2) Electromagnetics - Kraus
3) Introduction to Electrodynamics - Griffiths ( The best in my opinion.I enjoyede the style very much and we were taught from this book.).

I think that they are not very costly.Happy reading.


Do you known a book:
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics,2001 Media Editon
by Fawwaz T.Ulaby

In his book,when begin the EM,the first study the smith chart? why he make this arrange?

I think this website can help you :


I mean how to teach and learn EM basic efficien.

when we talking about the EM teaching and learning,the new version:
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics,2001 Media Editon
by Fawwaz T.Ulaby
is out.

why so many talking about the usage EDA tool and the code of EM simulte.But not interesting in EM teaching and learning.

EM is not taught efficiently for that purpose for you to learn it. EM is a very deep area. Some people in college read Fawwaz Ulaby book "Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics". I have seen that book. It makes EM like learning logic gates in analog electronics. Of course you will get an A in school.

Try a very solid book for EM which teaches it a bit more fundamentally. Try "Field and Wave Electromagnetics" by David Chang. Or "Electromagnetics" John Kraus Or "Physics, Vol II for Scientists & Engineers" Giancoli

By the way there are some laws in EM that must be modified in order to get correct results. Trade secrets.

For example 2nd Law of Kirchoff for distributed voltages around a closed loop is zero is not correct for example when circuits exibit some inductance at that instance of time.

it isa book called electromagnetic by cheng which is a good one
to read 8)

It all depends on the audience. For the beginner Cheng is very good. But for the advanced I would suggest the by J. Jackson.

Maybe this paper by will be helpful.
I think EIRP has suggested sometime ago that learning EM with the help of computer, equations and visualisation is very helpful.



if you are looking for a good link from EM theory to work with EM simulators of all kind, you can find it in the following book:

D. Swanson and W. Hoefer: "Microwave Circuit Modeling Using Electromagnetic Field Simulation", Artech House 2003.

It is really unique and valuable book to read before you ever start your first EM simulator sesion. Basics of the theory are also given so the book is self contained. It is more biased towards MW applications, not very much on antenna topics.


thank for interest in this topic.
And I need the answer about how to teaching efficien,because now in the collage,there are many new course should be learn,so the studen have little time to learn EM.
and as a teacher,I must give the student the essential knownlage about EM.

many people toward to teaching EM.such as Fawwaz William H. Hayt, Jr. and so on.
Now in the AP magazine,some people the topic about teach the EM by internet and computer help.

the other difficulty is how to let the student know the EM is an importance course.
I am just try to do some thing about this.

try emlib

any please upload solved assignments of cheng book as soon as possible.i have found the solution manual of this book at lilybooks.com
any one please find the solution and solved assignments and upload it as soon as possible.thank

Has anyone ever tried learning/looking at EM from a differential forms approach...it is more intuitive then the vector approach.

Helloo everybody...,

can anyone provide the link for solution of krauss..


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